What does the proverb "Charity begins at home" actually means? The phrase ‘Charity Begins at Home’ can be explained in two different ways. The first explanation is that one’s family comes first and their first duty is for their family and friends whereas the other interpretation is that children learn charity first in their home. Charity is an act of humanitarianism that includes supplying for the ones in need selflessly. "Charity begins at home" also means dealing with the demands of people close to you before thinking about assisting other people elsewhere. The phrase is said to first appear in writing by Sir Thomas Browne in a 1642 book. The origin of the phrase is still argued. Though several people agree that it is obtained from a bible verse.Timothy 5:4 It is mostly believed that our family comes first and we should help them before assisting others. Though people thought this was an misinterpretation of the proverb. To them, it means children should be taught about charity at home. Charity is done for the interest, assistance, and relief of those in need. For example, providing the victims of poverty, natural disasters, and so on, with food, shelter, medications, and other basic necessities. In conclusion, an individual can never be patient and tolerant with others except if one is able to nurture this attitude at home. It is very much easier to bear with the fragility of those we love. Once you begin to chase sympathy with your close ones, you will find it easier to do so with others. If you want to extend your charity to others. Help sponsor a project with us. Click here